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Sfoglini in the world

A page dedicated to you, beloved sfoglini, Ambassadors of our beautiful Bologna. THANK YOU !


WHERE: Metz, France
” Better late than never! After 20 years of good and loyal service in a very different field, I decided it was time to live my life. “


WHERE: Lione, Francia
“Hi, my name is Alex ! I was primarily trained as a chef, both in France and in Canada.”


WHERE: Italy, Bologna
“.It’s never too late” many say, and they are right!
I have understood what I want to do “when I grow up” after turning 40…”


WHERE:Melbourne, Australia
“Hi im Daniel, I am an Australian-Italian who has been immersed in the roles of both a farmer and a chef for the past eight years.”

Colin Bebbington

HIR BUSINESS: Scotian heritage foods
WHERE:630 Francklyn Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
“Early on in my career, I was sure pasta would be a major part of my future, but…”

David Widman

HIR BUSINESS:Veni Vini Pastsa
WHERE: Oakville, Ontario, Canada
“.My handmade pasta journey started with several single day pasta courses in Sicily…”

Mukesh Mulmi Kannuskuja

“Hi, I am Mukesh, From Nepal, but I have been living in Finland.  I graduated from VSB- Bologna in April 2023. I am passionate about food, history and tradition….”

Emanuele Montanari

“I’m Emanuele, I’m a Sfoglino and an illustrator. My aptitude for drawing and creating emerged from childhood.
After an intense artistic training I decided to explore the world of cooking, rediscovering and becoming passionate about the traditional and artisanal aspect of food…”

Barbara Battellani

“I’m Barbara, I come from Imola (BO) and I’m a sfoglina.
I graduated in June 2022.
I have always had a passion for the world of cooking, for food, for pasta and puff pastry in particular.
Since I was a child I used to close tortellini with my grandmother, aunt, mother and cousins ​​for Christmas, it was nice to chat around the table with the fireplace on…”


Justin Schmidt

WHERE: USA – Portland
“My Journey to Bologna started in Japan with a class I attended at Base. This was my first time witnessing someone use a mattarello and I was totally blown away. At the end of the demonstration Kosaku recommended VSB. I continued making sub par pasta in Portland for the next 3 years until I finally got the opportunity to move to Italy…”


Adrienne Famlonga

HER BUSINESS: Ruvida Restaurante
“Hello! I’m Adrienne from Australia. When I first saw Allesandra on a documentary, days before I was due to come to Italy, I knew I had to find her and learn the art of sfoglia. It was magnetizing watching the process and listening to her speak poetically about it…”

Akiko Inoue

“I’m Akiko, I was Alessandra’s student and I learned the pastry from her.
My husband and I do a small restaurant called “La Pietra home cooking and Italian wines” in Shiga in Japan.
We always prepare Italian cuisine especially Bolognese cuisine and fresh pasta. Then let’s serve the Italian wines….”

Daniela Biancu

WHERE: SPAIN – Barcelona
“I am Daniela Biancu, I am of Sardinian origin but I have been living outside my beautiful island for a long time now.
Before arriving in Spain, I lived in Bologna for ten years, where I learned many secrets about fresh pasta.
Without a doubt the time spent at Vecchia Scuola Bolognese was fundamental for my training as a sfoglina…”

Evan Funke

HIS BUSINESS: Felix Trattoria
WHERE: USA – California, Los Angeles
“My acquaintance with sfoglini and their craft began more than a decade ago, at the tail end of 2007.
I was stuck in a dead-end job at shitty hotel in Beverly Hills. I felt completely lost.
While battling boutsof hopelessness, a singular thought struck me one day and it would, ultimately, change my entire life…”

Helena Tornblom

HER BUSINESS: Pastahantverket
WHERE: SWEDEN – Stockholm
“I am Helena and I am a Sfoglina.I graduated from VSB summer 2019 after a spring in Bologna full of eggs and flour.
I had been searching for exactly this kind of school for ten years – on and off…”


WORKS AT: Fattorie Zivieri
WHERE: ITALY – Bologna
“I started making the Sfoglia con le Nonne and, in doing it, I had great satisfaction.
By chance, while I was thinking about what to do in the future, I found the Old Bolognese School…”

valentina franchi

Valentina Franchi

HER BUSINESS: Ruvida Restaurante
“I’m Valentina and I’m a Sfoglina. Just two years ago, after finishing my pasta course at Vecchia Scuola Bolognese, I started my carrier as Sfoglina.
My dream was to travel the world with the rolling pin on my shoulder and just a bag full…”

Francesco Allegro

WHERE: UNITED STATES – California, Los Angeles
“I owe everything to VSB Bologna. I learned an art that is not studied in books, but only by working hard every day of the week. This is my job abroad. Now, I work as a sfoglino and cook at Rossoblu in LA, I teach rolling pin to chefs and enthusiasts who want to learn this ancient craft. Maybe one day I’ll go back to Italy. But always and only to roll the dough.”

Gersdorff Guillaume

“My name is Guillaume Gersdorff, I am a chef / owner in Belgium.
I had the chance to come here to the VSB- Bologna school during the COVID period to do one of the best workouts I’ve had around handmade pasta…”

Irene Strappa

WORKS AT: Trattoria Anna Maria
WHERE: ITALY – Bologna
“I am Irene, I am 30 years old and I was a student of Alessandra Spisni. I have always worked in restaurant with the dream of one day opening my own place. I have always been passionate about food, tradition and self-production, as personal values ​​that enrich life. Restaurant has never been able to fully satisfy my need to do, to create, to be useful…”


HER BUSINESS: Farmhouse Villa Buontempo
WHERE: ITALY – Dozza, Bologna
“I graduated in 2015 from the Vecchia Scuola Bolognese.
The journey from Sfoglina allowed me to enrich my skills in the kitchen by being able to give that extra touch of..”

loris balanzone


HIS BUSINESS: Balanzone 157
WHERE: ITALY – Bologna
“Our biggest dream is to bring the Balanzone 157 and consequently the” Made in BO “around the world, if all this will come true it is thanks to VSB – Bologna…”

Kosaku Kawamura

HIS BUSINESS: BASE, La pasta dello Sfoglino
“The Base Products: I teach handmade pasta at Base, and cookery school in Sendai Japan.
The Spisni family is living for the culture of the Sfoglia.
I learned a lot from them. I am not Italian so I have no tradition of Italy, but I intend to bring the processing of the handmade pastry to Japan
with the spirit of Sfoglino. “

Giorgia Maccaferri

“I am Giorgia, since I was a child I have always kneaded and closed tortellini in the company of my grandmothers, dreaming ..”

Emilio Mariotti

“Hi, I’m Emilio,
Past: To appease the atavistic hunger that haunted him from birth and wanting to follow a strict regime of Bolognese cuisine only, ours has a fixed idea..”


Max Ceresi

WHERE: worldwide
“I’m Massimo.
My journey began in the family shop, specializing in butchery and gastronomy.
From there I created a parallel home barbecue activity, this idea allowed me to shoot in Italy up to Zurich in Switzerland.
For 2 years I was in charge of the kitchen, I prepared typical dishes of Bologna!..”



HIS BUSINESS: Cavalluccio rosso
WHERE: Brooklyn
“.Hi, I’m Nick a sfoglino in a nice pasta shop in Brooklyn, NYC. I always loved to create all things with my own hands and it’s always been my dream to make pasta..”



WHERE: Italia, Bologna
“I’m and I’m a Sfoglina.
I chose the school, because it was the best place to learn a trade that belongs only to the old Bologna…”

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