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Barbara Battellani

WHERE: Imola

“I’m Barbara, I come from Imola (BO) and I’m a sfoglina.
I graduated in June 2022.
I have always had a passion for the world of cooking, for food, for pasta and puff pastry in particular.
Since I was a child I used to close tortellini with my grandmother, aunt, mother and cousins ​​for Christmas, it was nice to chat around the table with the fireplace on.
I have been an employee for almost 23 years and this year I have turned my life upside down and I have decided to follow my heart, passion and to do something that would give me joy.
In September 2021, thanks to the sister of a dear friend and the meeting with Luisa (a former student), I approached the world of pastry in a more concrete way.
I met the Vecchia Scuola Bolognese and I enrolled in the 3-day course and it all started from there.
For years I had watched the teacher on television with enchantment and this year I was one of her students.
An incredible year, now thanks to a wonderful opportunity that the school gave me I am making sfoglina in Belgium, an experience that is enriching me and giving me a lot of satisfaction.
Thanks a lot VSB and good browse to everyone.-“

LINK: https://www.instagram.com/sfoglina_babi/




Metamorphosis completed: The butterfly flies !!!

Alessandra Spisni

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